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How to ask questions about what you learn during live classes

Questions during live classes

Due to the nature of group live classes and the limited duration of the class, it is impractical for the instructors to allow the students to ask questions during the class as it would disrupt the flow of the class.

How to ask your questions instead

Naturally, you may have questions that you would like to ask your instructors. You can post any questions related to the learning material on our forums in their respective sections. Please understand that our instructors are just regular people with regular lives and schedules, therefore they may not be available to answer your questions immediately. However, any available instructor will get back to you as soon as possible to ensure that you get the answers that you need. We also encourage discussions between students and other visitors to the site as studies have shown that discussions can improve a person’s understanding of a topic.

Further explanation

Sometimes, certain questions may be very important or a certain topic may be unclear. In these cases, the instructor may host a live session to discuss those questions or post the explanation in a video on the forums. This will be determined by the instructors depending on the case.