Become an Instructor

Become an Instructor

Top instructors from all over the middle east use

Become an Instructor​

Top instructors from all over the middle east use

Expand Your Reach is the fastest spreading and the easiest to use online learning platform in the middle east.

Earn Money

Earn money every time a student books a lesson or purchases your course. Get paid monthly through PayPal or through bank transfer, it’s your choice.

Inspire Students

Help pave the way for high school students to learn the skills and achieve the grades they need to join the most prestigious universities and pursue their dreams by sharing your knowledge and expertise.

Join Our Community

Join our supportive and fast growing community and expand your reach across the Middle East!

How to Become an Instructor

Become an Instructor

Submit an application

First of all you have to create an account. Once you have created an account and logged into it, you can go to the dashboard and click on Become an Instructor. Afterwards, you will have to send an e-mail to with the following documents:

  • Passport photo
  • CV detailing previous teaching experience
  • Relevant degrees and certificates
  • Bio not exceeding 250 words

Once your application has been accepted, we will notify you on the same e-mail address registered to your account and you will be granted instructor access. 

Getting started

Once you have been accepted as an instructor, you are now ready to create courses or to teach live classes. To coordinate the scheduling of live classes, please e-mail For more details on building a course, please check the Instructor Rules and the Course Guide sections.

Instructor Rules

Instructor Terms

By signing up to become an instructor, you confirm that you have read and agree to our Instructor Terms.

Audio and Video Quality

In order to ensure that students have a pleasant and comfortable learning experience, you have to ensure good quality audio and video during both live class sessions and recordings.

For more details on course quality and how we deal with courses that do not meet the standard requirements, please refer to our Quality Policy

Assisting Students After Class

Given the impractical nature of having students ask questions during live group lessons, the forums are the place to ask questions. You should visit the forums frequently and help any students that may have any questions or inquiries.

Start Teaching Students

Determine your availability

Before you can begin teaching, you have to determine your availability through out the week and coordinate with our registration team by contacting

Begin teaching

Now that your schedule is set, you can begin teaching through the platform. All that is left is for you to create a plan to finish the syllabus and you are good to go!

Earn Passive Income

Plan your course

Before you can start recording your course, you need to start by setting an outline for the course and plan the order of the topics as they are going to appear in your course.

Start building your course

Once you are done planning your course, you can proceed with recording the video content of the course.

Please make sure that the content of the course matches our Quality Policy

For more details on how to build your course, please visit our help center

Publish your course

Once the content of the course is ready, you can submit it for us to review it before it goes live. 

Need help?

You can visit our help center for assistance, tips, and guides on how operates.

Still facing difficulty?

Our platform makes it easier for you to build your courses. Our Support Team is here for you to help you through your course creation needs. For assistance please contact our customer support.

Become an Instructor Today

Join the fastest growing online learning platform in the Middle East